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KMID : 0359020110420050320
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2011 Volume.42 No. 5 p.320 ~ p.322
A Case of Biliary Cast Syndrome in a Non-Liver Transplatation Patients
Lee Hong-Joo

Lee Joung-Il
Park Ji-Young
Wi Jung-Kook
Kang Kyung-Hwan
Chung Heo-Hoon
Kim Jung-Wook
Cho Kyung-Min
The development of total biliary casts is very unusual, and especially in patients who have not undergone liver transplantation. There are only a few reports of total biliary casts in non-liver transplantation patients who have antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, B-cell non-Hodgkin¡¯s lymphoma, cholecystectomy or allogenic
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Here we present the case of a previously well 77-year-old man who developed a total biliary casts without any risk factors and there was no obvious liver insult. The casts were managed endoscopically.
Biliary cast syndrome, Non-Liver transplant, ERCP
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